Author photo by Marko Jandric
Writing and design

Welcome, traveler

 đź‘‹ I’m Marija but you may know me as Solaire if we ever played online games together. I’m a creative writer specialized in interactive experiences

I work with what people often call copy, script, content, or just plain text. Whatever you might call it, you’re probably here because you need it or want to learn more about it.

As fortune would have it, you’re in the right place. My little narrative workshop is all about creative problem solving (and a little bit of cognitive science). I’m here to show you the difference good storytelling can make.

If you’re looking for a writer to partner with to set up story, forge the narrative, or just make sense of the text shown on your screens, contact me

Send a note

If you want to know more about my projects or you’re interested in working with me, use the form to send a note.

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling, like dew, upon a thought produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions think.

- Lord Byron

Writing and design services

Press kit bio

Marija Solarevic is an award-winning writer, narrative designer, and member of the Croatian Screenwriters and Playwrights Guild. For over a decade now, she has been writing stories and shaping informational architecture for games and enterprise-level software.

In college, she earned a bachelor’s degree in pedagogy and ethnology/cultural anthropology, while she defined her signature writing style. Mythology and folklore made a lasting impression on her use of motives, hidden keys, and storytelling mechanics. 

Her writing career was kicked off in 2014 when her science fiction story placed first in a competition organized by the Zagreb City Libraries. The winning story explored a community of space pioneer descendants, now stranded in space, whose desperate circumstances only intensify their yearning to return to an Earth that’s no longer there.

After that, she started to work on video game screenplays and design documents. She worked on mobile games as a writer of fantasy, adventure, science fiction, and romance storylines and in-game texts. This work included extensive narrative and content design, script doctoring, voice-over dialogues, and story refactoring.

Marija also had a playwriting debut with a short theater run back in 2019/2020.

As a writing mentor, she helped around 30 writers from all around the world learn the craft and work with confidence in their chosen professions. 

Today, Marija works as a senior UX writer. In her free time, she enjoys watching, reading, and playing noir-themed murder mysteries, atmospheric thrillers, cyberpunk worlds, and all sorts of horror.